Foster Care & Adoption
We believe kids are meant to be raised in a home with loving parents. Some kids are blessed to receive that from birth and others need help finding it. Eagle Village is ready and able to offer that help through our Foster Care and Adoption Programs.
Foster Care
The Eagle Village Foster Care Program finds safe, temporary homes for children while their parents put the pieces of their lives back together.
Our team of experts works hard to find the right matches for foster families and foster kids. Families maintain the ability to say “yes” or “no” to any placement, can specify ages they are willing to accept, and will always have the full support of our team.
We walk families through licensing and monitor their cases closely to see where we can help. We also provide ongoing trainings and put together events throughout the year to help build a whole community of people committed to helping kids by opening their homes.
Foster care is hard work- but it is worth it because these kids are worth it.
The state of Michigan has a need for more safe and loving foster care homes, especially for teens. Can you help? Call to talk to an expert, ask all of your questions, and learn about the difference you can make in the life of child at 231-305-6700.
The Eagle Village Adoption Program works to find permanent, loving homes for children that will never be able to return to their biological families because regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity, every child deserves a place to call home.
You don’t have to own your own home, be married, or be the perfect parent to make a child feel welcome and wanted. The Eagle Village Adoption Program will walk you through every step of the process, answer any questions you have, get you licensed, and offer support even after the adoption has occurred.
A finalized adoption is a celebration day for our team. With 3,875 children in Michigan awaiting adoption we have a lot of potential celebrations to hold. We would love to celebrate your new family next.
Call 231-305-6700 or send us an email to talk about adoption options.
Our Foster Care & Adoption Team is ready to help. With years of experience and a heart for kids, these individuals offer compassionate and effective care to families.

Kathy | Community Based Services Coordinator

Ashley | Foster Care/Adoption Supervisor

Audrey | Foster Care Licensing Coordinator

Nicole | Licensing Supervisor

Jennifer | Foster Care/Adoption Supervisor

Allyson | Foster Care/Adoption Supervisor

Brittney | Foster Care/Adoption Case Manager

Cassie | Foster Care/Adoption Case Manager

Hanna | Foster Care/Adoption Case Manager