
Every time you donate to the Eagle Fund you help us put families back together, save kids from bad situations, and teach individuals how to reach their potential.

Your investment in the Eagle Fund makes it possible for us to give our youth resources and training that they wouldn’t receive other places- training that gives them hope for a brighter future and prepares them for adulthood.

We’d love to work ourselves out of a job as we train the next generation of parents, but until that day comes- will you help us restore hope for our kids?


The Eagle Fund

It’s how we go above and beyond for our children.
Your gift to the Eagle Fund starts a blessing of opportunity for our youth

Many of our kids have never felt the safety, care and comfort that family and a home can provide. We want to show them how that base in life feels. When our youth feel “at home” they can start to truly focus on the work they are here to accomplish.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • Homes that welcome and comfort the children we serve.
  • Teaching our youth a standard of living.

We believe involving the whole family is crucial to our youths’ therapeutic treatment and success. We invite the families of our youth, if appropriate, to campus for monthly Family Legacy Events. This provides access to therapy, workshops and, family activities.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • A room in our on-campus motel
  • Family meals for the weekend
  • Therapeutic intervention and family support
  • Guided family activities

Keeping campus facilities up to date to support the challenging work our youth do to learn how to cope with their trauma. It is essential to have the right type of environment for trauma informed therapy to be successful.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • Campus facilities that offer an active therapeutic treatment environment.
  • We have 681-acres that include a school, playgrounds, activity fields, cafeteria, chapel, gym, high ropes course, climbing wall, and outdoor activity and gathering spaces.

Giving Michigan’s children the opportunity for prevention and intervention services can decrease the chances of long-term behavioral issues.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • Trauma assessments and counseling
  • Base Camp: 5-day camp for 9- to 11-year-olds
  • Frontier Camp: 5-day rustic camp for 11- to 14-year olds
  • Project Survive: 9-day wilderness camp for 14- to 17-year olds
  • Youth Challenge: weekend event for teens
  • Family Interventions: half- or full-day experiences customized around individual family needs

Experiencing the spiritual community can provide a source of connection and comfort no matter where our kids go when they leave us. We provide our kids with optional weekly on-campus chapel services and the chance to attend a local church on Sundays if they so choose.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • A Bible as a welcome gift for every child Campus pastor and on-site worship

We want our youth to have experiences that most have so that they can feel like children for the first time.

The Eagle Fund Makes Possible

  • Eagles Pride is our version of a prom. We purchase special clothing for all of our youth for these events to create a memory. We take single and group photos as most of our youth do not have photos of themselves growing up. These events stand out with time for photos, a reception, games, and then an etiquette dinner with a five-course meal.
  • Transportation and admission to the zoo, baseball games, Lake Michigan, or ice skating.

Click here to download The Eagle Fund brochure!


Annual Giving Levels

We are grateful for each gift that we receive. Knowing that you support our mission to change lives makes a genuine difference here. It is challenging work to guide children through trauma after facing abuse and neglect. We are inspired by the strength of each child to endure life through unimaginable circumstances. Our staff is encouraged by your partnership. Your impact allows us to do all we can for our youth. Our 55 year mission continues with the strength of our collective effort, hope and your blessings on our youth.


  • Seed Planter: $1- $499
  • Believer: $500 – $999
  • Partner: $1,000 – $4,999
  • Builder: $5,000 – $9,999
  • Nurturer: $10,000 – $24,999
  • Sustainer: $25,000 – $49,999
  • Provider: $50,000 – $99,999
  • Visionary: $100,000+ 

Are you interested in Planned Giving? Click Here!

“All of my childhood memories started here.”

– Jonathan Grant, former resident 1978

This year, one of the highlights was hearing 15-year-old Jacob present his Heart Stage speech. It was incredible to hear him and watch staff who work with him smile with pride as they listened. He spoke so well; he knows his weaknesses and strengths and has a plan to continue to improve. His most important wish is to find a family, but he said he knows he will be okay if it doesn’t happen.

Jacob was so happy, excited and hopeful; we want that for each of our youth.

We truly embrace that each day can be a new beginning. Staff help youth understand themselves and identify coping skills to work through the abuse and neglect they have endured. It takes great effort each day to continue work toward goals because our youth go forward and backward. We celebrate the forward steps and keep focused on our mission to serve, value and equip each child for success.

The impact of our work is a true gift that lasts a lifetime.

The effort given to our youth each day is amazing. Team work is a priority as staff reinforce, redirect, state expectations, and remind youth what they are working on and toward. This is all done with care, consistency, respect, patience and dignity.
Please consider a gift to our Eagle Fund. This fund supports our youth. It helps us go beyond the requirements of the State, to do the things we know make a difference. Investing in the lives of children, who had an unimaginable start in life, need all of us to change their lives and futures.

Your gifts matter here.

Eagle Village is in its 56th year of showing our youth that each day can be a new beginning.


Cathey Prudhomme, President/CEO of Eagle Village & Carol Hyble, Vice President of Advancement


Turning Trauma into Art

Sometimes, verbal communication may not be the most effective approach when trying to connect with a child, particularly those who have endured significant trauma and neglect. Our therapists employ a diverse range of techniques, including experiential and expressive programs. Keren Barber, a therapist who is also an artist, utilizes expressive arts therapy as a means of communication with our youth. This includes engaging in activities such as pottery, painting, and drawing.

“Art is the act of creating something unique to you. It is a healthy way of expressing yourself.” – Keren

The youth greatly enjoy their art sessions, as evidenced by their smiles and positive interactions while painting on a blank canvas.

Keren further explains, “Engaging in a painting where everyone follows the same instructions, teaches us about embracing healthy differences. Although we are all working on the same painting, each one is unique, including mine.”

Keren encourages families and friends to try this activity at home, as it serves as a wonderful summer activity to do with your loved ones.



In this month’s edition, we take a look at National Foster Care Month, and the shocking numbers of Michigan children in foster care. Then, our youth had a blast with some Earth Day exploration with a nature photoshoot. You’ll get to see some of their amazing photos they took during their time in the great outdoors. And, a local, athletic team visited our campus for a fun volunteer day that greatly helped our youth. We show you how you can make a difference in a child’s life too. Read More…

In 2022, there were 25,138 confirmed cases of abuse and/or neglect in Michigan. 8,614 of those children were removed from their homes and placed in foster care, shelters or residential treatment facilities. In this edition, we are educating and spreading awareness about child abuse, and how Eagle Village works to change the lives of youths who have endured this trauma. Read more…

There’s a special gift for you in this edition of – It Takes a Village. One of our youth shares their bookmark design for you to enjoy with your next book. We also take a look at the new trail installed right behind the chapel all thanks to our volunteers and staff. Read more…