
Treatment & Programs at Eagle Village

Eagle Village has provided treatment to help victims of abuse and neglect, and teens in need of intervention for 50 years.

We know how to look at every situation from a trauma-informed perspective, de-escalate situations, and show our kids that we care. Time and time again, graduates of our programs tell us it is our staff and our programs that make us different from all the other placements they’ve experienced.

We believe in the potential of all people regardless of their story.

And our kids know it.

Our Residential Treatments All Include

Monthly Family Therapy Events

 These events, called Legacy Weekends, are a chance for Eagle Village therapists to work with kids AND their families. When safe and appropriate for the child, Eagle Village invites their families to Legacy Weekends, goes and picks up the family, provides all the food and lodging for the weekend, and returns the family to their home at no cost. We know family involvement matters and we will remove any obstacle to make it happen.

On-Campus Services

We try to offer as much for our kids on-site as we can. This includes education at Ashmun School, our own accredited charter school; medical services, including an on-site nurse and psychologist; optional chapel services and access to our Campus Pastor, if desired; our own gym and fitness center; and unique treatment opportunities in our Sensory Room and adventure equipment.

Victors Edge Resiliency Training

This Eagle Village program teaches kids how to control their responses to situations, see beyond what is in front of them, and helps them find their own success.

Hand/Head/Heart House Programs

A program that helps kids set goals for their behavior and gives them additional privileges for reaching their goals. Heart Stage is the final stop for kids preparing to graduate from their program and either return home, head to foster care or enter independent living. Not every kid makes it to Heart Stage, but those that do are rewarded for their hard work with pride for what they’ve accomplished.


This wilderness experience for the whole residential house is mandatory two times a year. Kids are led on a life-changing experience into the woods where they learn about natural consequences, discover how to trust others, and find out they are much more capable than they think.


Adult volunteers that complete Eagle Village Mentor Training are paired with a resident. Mentors aren’t there to lecture or become additional therapists, they are simply there to care about kids. In some cases, kids haven’t grown up knowing ANYBODY cared about them. Through mentorship relationships kids learn that not only do Eagle Village staff think they have value, but other adults do as well.

Off-Campus Experiences

We offer as much as we can on-campus for our kids, but we also want them to experience and be prepared for life outside of Eagle Village. We take them to community events, swimming at the beach, hiking in the woods, exploring at the zoo, and to volunteer opportunities where they can learn firsthand the value of helping others.

Our Therapists

Our therapists are all master’s level with experience with trauma-impacted kids, behavior problems, and mental health issues. They are dedicated to the kids they serve and want to empower these kids for success after Eagle Village.

Kids meet individually with their therapists at least once (twice a week for those in our Connections program) and as part of group therapy at least once a week.


Clinical Services Manager
“I would say that the values that drive me are the ones that were given to me by my parents. To always do you best and help those around you. To be kind and always push yourself to grow. The best thing about working at Eagle Village is getting the opportunity to work with the children and spend time with them. It’s amazing to watch and see how they grow.”


Family Therapist
"I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to work with families and be a part of their journey as they accomplish their goals. A favorite part of my job is to help families discover there is hope. I appreciate being part of an organization that lives out their mission and truly cares for the families we serve."


Family Therapist
"I have always wanted to do therapy with children. This has been my dream since I was a teenager. I was raised in a mindset to always help others and to have a kind heart. I am so happy that I get to achieve this goal at Eagle Village. I have the most amazing team of people that I work with. I love my job and getting the chance to help our children through the trauma they have endured."


Family Therapist