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Dear Prayer Partners,

Do you remember the old game Rock, Paper, Scissors?

During August and September in chapel, our messages are themed around these simple items, and I thought they could offer us a guide to help us as we continue to pray for the work and ministry of Eagle Village this month.

The rock is a reminder for us, like it was for the Israelites, of God’s faithfulness in the past and His promises to provide in the future. Joshua 4 tells of how these rocks from the Jordan River would be a sign among them of God’s deliverance. This month, let the rock be a reminder to praise God for His faithfulness to, and provision for, Eagle Village since our founding 50 years ago.

The paper became a visual for our residents and staff of communication with God. Like a note written to a friend, we are invited to approach God with confidence. In 1 John 5:14 we are reminded that when we approach him and ask “anything according to His will, He hears us.” Remember this truth as you pray boldly for God to transform lives at Eagle Village.

And finally, the scissors are a poignant reminder that God has separated us from our sins as far as the east is from the west. We have been offered freedom, rather than bondage by the troubles of our past. Pray for each of our residents and staff, that they would experience true freedom and new life in Christ.

Thank you and God bless!

The signature of Eric Woods, Eagle Village Campus Pastor

Pastor Eric Woods