June Prayer Calendar

June Prayer Calendar

Thank you for your prayers and support. June brings the beginning of summer staff training please pray for the team that God has provided for this important season of ministry. Pray that they are equipped and ready to serve our campers. Also this week we have a group...
It Takes a Village – May 2024

It Takes a Village – May 2024

In this month’s edition, we take a look at National Foster Care Month, and the shocking numbers of Michigan children in foster care. Then, our youth had a blast with some Earth Day exploration with a nature photoshoot. You’ll get to see some of their...

A Different Kind of Camp

  Eagle Village Summer Camps are different. We serve kids with emotional and behavioral challenges and self-regulation issues. Our camp staff welcomes all kids with open arms. We genuinely believe that every child deserves to have a camp experience, it is at the...
June Prayer Calendar

May Prayer Calendar

Thank you Prayer Partners for your faithfulness in lifting Eagle Village up in prayer. We know that your prayer covering makes a difference and is a big part of us impacting the youth and families we serve. This month our Foster Care Team is working through some very...