This week is a different week for us in the Village. Our youth will leave Monday, heading to West Michigan for a week-long “Quest” – a hiking and camping experience. Our prayers this week are shaped around this amazing week-long adventure. Grace and peace as we speak the language of heaven together.


Mark Holcomb
Director of Spiritual Life and Staff Care, Eagle Village

Prayer Calendar – Download Printable Calendar Here

Monday, September 9, 2024 Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Today our youth leave for their week-long camping trip. This “Quest” will challenge them, providing opportunities some have never had before. Because of that it is a different week, providing a variety of new opportunities. As they begin their hike today, would you pray for our youth, that they lean into the experiences they participate in this week. Pray for our foster care team. There are weeks they carry heavier loads than others, and this is one of those weeks. They work tirelessly within the system doing all they can to make sure no child is forgotten, left behind, and all are safe. And our youth and staff are on day 2 hiking the trail.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Thursday, September 12, 2024
Our youth and staff are coming off the trails today, heading to a camp for the rest of their week. Horse-back riding, hiking on the dunes, and swimming in Lake Michigan are ahead of them, with showers! They made it to the half-way point. But it’s half-way for our staff too.

Would you join me in praying today for our staff: AJ, Abe, Kam, Eddie, Kourttney, Al, Dom, Morgan, Maris, Jericho, Sky, Avante, Ahnyjea, and our up-nights. They are doing the heavy lifting this week. Ask God to re-energize them, providing what they need for the rest of the week, when they need it most.


The Village is gearing up to open our Independent Living programs the end of this month. This is a new program for 16 to 18-year-old youth, helping them prepare for their transition to community. Leadership is selected, staff are being hired and trained, and youth are waiting. Would you pray for this team as they onramp for this new program.


Friday, September 13, 2024 Weekend, September 14 & 15, 2024
Our experiential team played a major role this week for our youth while on Quest. We are so grateful for them, and today their week comes to an end. We celebrate the ways God has worked this week through them.

As they return tired and ready to see their families, let’s pray that God give Ben, Drue, Nolan and Emily a sense of peace, and a weekend of play and rest.


This is the weekend after Quest. For some they are relieved to sleep in their own beds. For others, they miss the horses, sand and beach. Pray for our youth as they transition back to life in the Village.


Impactful Moment: We believe stories matter. Stories are still being written, every day, everywhere, in everyone.

This week we finished a series this week in chapel talking about what it means to be “real”. How do we become “real”, the way God created us to be. It’s the question we talked about last week from the Velveteen Rabbit, “How do I become Real? We believe it is only in a restored relationship with God in Christ that we discover who we are created to be – our lives becoming a before and after story. One of our staff, Fatima, ended our series by sharing her “before and after story” in chapel.