What do we know about the future, today?
Eagle Village is a place where the lives of kids and families are changed. Eagle Village is a place where kids find home. We believe that, now more than ever, God is with us.
At Eagle Village, God has a long history of faithfulness and provision. As I think about Eagle Village in the past tense, I am reminded that God has been with Eagle Village since day one. God has seen us through difficult and challenging times. God has never stopped leading Eagle Village.
Today is no different. God continues to show himself faithful at Eagle Village. We are experiencing an unusual and unpredictable time as a nation, and uncertainty is common. However, at Eagle Village an amazing spirit of sacrifice, confidence, and service seems to trump uncertainty every single day. God is with us today.
We know that God has been with us. We know that God is with us today. And we know that God will be with us tomorrow; there is simply no uncertainty in that fact.
Pray with me that Eagle Village and her impact will be stronger than ever tomorrow.
Pastor Chris DeMerell