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Leaving a Legacy

Kermit Hainley, Eagle Village Founder, finished his battle with cancer on May 16th, 2020.  The life he lived was an amazing and powerful example of what it looks like to live for God, follow in faith, and leave a legacy.

If I hadn’t seen the life he lived with my own eyes, I would probably have a hard time believing the stories of sacrifice, trust, tenacity, and passion. But I saw his life, I knew him personally, and I am blessed to live in the legacy he crafted. The continued impact of Eagle Village on the lives of thousands of young people and families is a testament to that legacy.

As I consider a life well lived and a thriving legacy, I am reminded that lives and legacies are never amazing by accident. They never become extraordinary without consistent movement in an intentional direction. Mr. Hainley knew what he was called to do and every decision was made to move toward that calling. The result is a life to be celebrated and a legacy that is alive and well.

So the question for the rest of us is simple: What do I need to do to start moving in the direction God is leading?

It’s my hope that you will be inspired to live a life and leave a legacy that inspires people and glorifies God.

-Pastor Chris DeMerell