Stories of Eagle Village
“This was a family that I could see spending the rest of my life with. And I knew I was safe and I knew that I’d be well taken care of.” After being removed from an abusive situation, Krystal spent time in the foster care system until she decided she...
Stories of Eagle Village
Chad and Michella first planned to adopt Cara when she was an infant. When things didn’t go as planned it was a heartbreaking situation. Then one day they got an unexpected phone call… Hear Chad and Michella tell their own story in this video- Part Two of...
Stories of Eagle Village
When Chad and Michella Saxton first met while working at Eagle Village they had a vision for their lives and future family. Then a series of events led them down a road they had not envisioned- fostering over 20 kids and adopting three as their own. Hear Chad and...